I think there were quite a few females in the meeting. The society was bringing in a few females with each group of Bethelites. You know, to provide maid service for the rooms, etc.
watchtower writer exposed.
sat through the watchtower today, both my wife and i grumbling under our breath, this is a joke.
we today have clear evidence that this foretold enthronement.
I think there were quite a few females in the meeting. The society was bringing in a few females with each group of Bethelites. You know, to provide maid service for the rooms, etc.
watchtower writer exposed.
sat through the watchtower today, both my wife and i grumbling under our breath, this is a joke.
we today have clear evidence that this foretold enthronement.
Pappy aka Nathan Knorr (third president of the WTBTS)
I'll never forget his "Sex" talk to the new Bethel family members in 1970. I suppose he had this little chat with all newly arrived Bethel members. I remember one girl from the midwest got so uncomfortable with his graphic descriptions of homosexuality, masturbation and intercourse, she actually fainted and had to be helped out of the meeting. I frankly thought the discussion titilating and thought Knorr enjoyed sharing the information a little too much.
when a difficulty is deep and painful, the triumph is glorious and jubilant.. -spartacus 2001
"I GOT YOU THE BALL". . . Danny in the movie The Replacements
in 1967 or 1968 the society had a film out designed for teenagers titled "heritage".
it was the most pathetic, but hilarious propaganda movie i ever remember seeing.
does anyone know if this movie is still in existence?
In 1967 or 1968 the society had a film out designed for teenagers titled "Heritage". It was the most pathetic, but hilarious propaganda movie I ever remember seeing. Does anyone know if this movie is still in existence?
Maybe I should check eBay!
ok guys, i know that i've been cruel to the guys, so i thought i would post a recent pictur of to to be fair.
I'm just glad I no longer wear a banana hammock. You should be too.
i've been churning this issue over in my mind of late.
do i want to be considered by the gb as "apostate" or "evil slave"?
i'm thinking that "apostate" is too mild for the contempt i have for the wts.
LOL, point well taken!
i've been churning this issue over in my mind of late.
do i want to be considered by the gb as "apostate" or "evil slave"?
i'm thinking that "apostate" is too mild for the contempt i have for the wts.
I've been churning this issue over in my mind of late. Do I want to be considered by the GB as "apostate" or "evil slave"? I'm thinking that "apostate" is too mild for the contempt I have for the WTS. "Evil Slave" on the other hand connotes more of a KICK ASS attitude. I've been out of the organization for almost 20 years now and feel that I have earned the label "Evil Slave" Many who are more recent departees of the WTS tend to want to find the good parts about their stay there. I on the other hand disagree with every teaching, doctrine, principal and law promoted by them. Therefore, I wish to be called "Evil Slave". Any suggestions for a secret handshake?
questions from readers.
is it scriptural to trim nose hair?.
a christian is governed by conscience.
A very thoughtful thesis on the matter of nose hair. However, a discussion of male buttocks hair and back hair would probably involve a more Levitical analysis. Would you agree?
i have often wondered, if the bible is the infallable word of god and inspired in the minds of men by the mind of god.
then why is it you can prove or disprove just about anything with it?.
these are the sorts of questions that cause problems for organizations that claim to also be god's spokesmen.
Given the society's propensity for tacking into the wind, false prophecies regarding the end of the system of things and countless instances of position changes veiled as new light, one begins to wonder just who the real apostates are.
i have often wondered, if the bible is the infallable word of god and inspired in the minds of men by the mind of god.
then why is it you can prove or disprove just about anything with it?.
these are the sorts of questions that cause problems for organizations that claim to also be god's spokesmen.
During talks and WT studies where the loonies on the writing staff diseminated their drivel about types and antitypes and how the society had it all figured out, I would actually wonder if other people in the hall were buying the explanations. I think the glazed looks on their faces probably indicated that they didn't really give a fecal heap.